After having participated in the Rowlett Comprehensive Planning Charrette, I’m very excited about the possibilities that our community has open to it. I’d like to take this opportunity, therefore, to examine the area that is the most likely to experience development first, the Water’s Edge. If you read my post summarizing the charrette, you’ll remember that the Water’s Edge had formerly been considered for development with a very ambitious master plan in 2009.
This will be the first in a series of posts I’ll make examining this area and what might want to be developed there based on the information I’ve seen and the thoughts I’ve heard from citizens. First, however, before we consider all the fun stuff, dreaming up what fantastic things might occupy the land, I’d like to establish a little perspective.
Understanding space is not an easy thing, it takes skill and training, but it is essential to the manage the scope of a successful project. During the charrette a plethora of ideas where thrown out by people for what uses might well be accommodated here. Clearly not all could be fully realized, but having a grasp on how this land area compares to others nearby should help. For those Rowlett stakeholders who have an interest in this area, I believe the following analysis will be illuminating. Read the rest of this entry →