Rowlett Comp Plan Charrette Follow-Up Meeting
Last night I attended the first of four local meetings detailing what happened in the charrette a couple weeks ago, and offering new data based on that event. Unfortunately it wasn’t terribly well attended, as these things often are not, but I suspect it had something to do with the Mavericks playing in the NBA finals at the same time…just a guess.
While the data is still pretty raw at this time, and the planning team hasn’t had enough of a chance yet to really develop what was learned through that program, we did get to see a glimpse of where it’s headed.
This is an overall map of the targeted development area:
During the charrette each area was considered, some by two separate groups, with everyone making notes about how that development should proceed:
The area my group considered was the last one, Area E #2. At the charrette, when each group had presented their vision for their area, we were all asked to rate how we each felt about that vision via an interactive remote control with tallied the data. It was reassuring to find out that our scheme was very well received by the constituency:
I did find it interesting that the scenarios for Area A & Area B fell to the bottom of this chart. While ostensibly having 80% of the participants either noting that they “definitely” or “probably” reflected their view of the development there, in contract to the other scenarios, that’s a significant drop off. I think that is partly because Areas D & E are well know, development there has been talked about for years, and the participants, to a large degree, expected those results. In contrast, it is the North Shores area, the longest developable frontage along PGBT (which one might argue has the cleanest slate and the most possibilities to go in any number of directions) that personified the greatest degree of discord. I don’t meant to weave too much into that, however, but I think the master planning of that area will definitely need to have a strong, comprehensive plan that really details the future goals, and avoids vague misinterpretations .
Again, I look forward to seeing what the design team does with this information, particularly from the economic side. It’s all well and good to get excited about big plans, but its another thing for those plans to achieve feasibility.
*All of the above data was reproduced from the Realize Rowlett 2020 website. To view a PDF of the full powerpoint presentation, link here.