As part of the Rowlett Comprehensive Planning Charrette, one of the items that came up in our group as we considered Area E (which includes the downtown, the Water’s Edge, the Waterfront Entertainment District, and several others) was an idea to move some or possibly a majority of city functions to a new City Hall building to be incorporated into the city owned land of the Water’s Edge Development. My initial take was with some apprehension, because I rather think that any significant financial investment by the city in new construction should go for a new attraction or amenity for the citizens that might help in drawing people to Rowlett. Thus, I’m not convinced that including a new City Hall in this development would act as the kind of magnet we are all hoping for. Most of our group agreed, but not unanimously.
This then got me thinking about what civic and non-civic uses do act as attractors within the community. I recently posted a poll on to help. Now, most of the 64 people that responded are Twitter users (which is how I got the word out – see a recent report on the demographics of Twitter users here) and so this probably isn’t a terribly accurate or appropriately broad scientific sampling. Disclaimers aside, I still find it illuminating. Read the rest of this entry →