Posts Tagged ‘representative’

Advocates for Architecture Summary

Amassed on the Capitol Lawn

With a mob of black clad individuals large enough to make the lay person think someone really important just died, over 260 architects from all over the state of Texas came together at the Capitol building for the first annual Advocates for Architecture day.  Buses packed with participants from both Dallas and Houston left in the wee hours of the morning to trek to Austin, as well as hundreds of other architects making their own way.  The goal was help affect policy in the state legislatures by way of individual architects speaking directly with their own representatives.  While the Texas Society of Architects has an excellent lobbying machine in their own right, there is a distinct difference between a hired lobbyist talking to a representative and one of that representative’s own constituents discussing the issues that effect them.  Utilizing the hashtag #archday, participants tracked and commented on the event throughout the day via twitter. Read the rest of this entry →


01 2011