Posts Tagged ‘private property’

I’m not a Terrorist, I’m an Architect

I present the preceding image (hereafter to be referred to as “Item 1”) as evidence pertaining to the specific crime involved.  On May 17th of this year, I did knowingly and willfully walk through one outdoor mall known as the Domain (hereafter referred to as “the victim”) gratuitously and without consent, taking photographs of the assembled buildings.  It was immediately after taking this image that I was stopped by a bicycle mounted agent of the victim (hereafter referred to as the “rent-a-cop”) who informed me that I was in violation of management’s security policy which prevents photography of their properties.  I proceeded then, to explain that I was an architect who was actually in the process of designing two new phases of the Domain, and that I was simply taking photos of the existing properties for contextual reference.  The rent-a-cop said that I could only proceed with my photography with written authorization from the management.  At this point, I departed from the scene, but immediately out of sight of the rent-a-cop did proceed to photograph with reckless abandon. Read the rest of this entry →


06 2011